
How to increase stem cell proliferation without therapy

How to increase stem cell proliferation without therapy

According to a study, the human genome does not predict health or disease. Human life is not predetermined by genetics, and that is why it is necessary to identify those factors that can be controlled to maintain a healthy state, and thus improve the spontaneous healing of stem cells.

According to the results of studies done by Dr. Toledano, the data indicate that the engraftment of young or new stem cells in an old environment, i.e. an elderly patient, may not produce the expected result in terms of tissue regeneration, and the different conditions caused by aging.

Therefore, it is concluded that the stem cells have to be in an active state but, that the stem cells coming from the niche must be active and in a healthy state, as well as being able to generate the right environment to maintain the activity of the cells.

On the other hand, telomeres in stem cells are structures that are at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes and prevent these ends from being "read" as DNA breaks. The ways in which short telomeres promote aging have not yet been fully explained, but it is known that telomere shortening can promote aging and cell cycle arrest.

Why are we explaining this instead of talking directly about the natural solution? Because it's important for you to know that if these telomeres shorten, stem cells will lose their ability to regenerate tissues because they prevent them from moving out of their niche, and this inhibits cells from proliferating, which is exactly what you're looking to achieve. In itself, stem cell telomeres are shortening with age.

So how can telomeres be lengthened to increase stem cell proliferation?

The study mentions that a healthy lifestyle, accompanied by diet and exercise can lengthen telomeres and thus improve stem cell function. En otros estudios se demostró que el ejercicio preserva y alarga la longitud de los telómeros en humanos y que combate el efecto que el estress pueda tener sobre estos.

Other authors demonstrated that skeletal muscle telomeres are affected by their environment. Regenerative events (i.e. an athlete recovering from a workout) show that telomeres are longer compared to non-training individuals.

Data from a recent study showed that the immune system also regulates the stem cell niche, so those factors that boost immune function (sufficient sleep, hydration, and healthy diet, among others) could also drive stem cell self-renewal.

If you do not wish to undergo stem cell therapies, all you need to do is practice a healthy lifestyle.

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